Jonathan Merritt
At an early age, one could witness that Jonathan Andrew Merritt had the presence of God's spirit moving in his life. Jonathan shares the same birth date as his father, Bishop Andrew Merritt, who prophesied that Jonathan would be born on his birthday even before his birth. The Spirit of God was, once again, moving on Jonathan's behalf, when on the sixth day of his birth, he was anointed with oil and dedicated by Brother Kenneth Copeland before thirteen thousand believers.
As the son of Bishop Andrew and Pastor Viveca C. Merritt, the founders of Straight Gate International Church in Detroit, Jonathan has learned many valuable lessons from whom he describes as, "the greatest role models a son could have"- his parents. They have shown him great humility, strength, and perseverance, and inspired in him a passion for Christ. He has walked in the vision God gave his father more than 40 years ago, "to reach the city, nation, and world for Jesus Christ." He realizes that this vision can transform the lives of millions from darkness into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ.
"From the moment I started reading this book, I knew my life would never be the same. Thank you Jonathan Merritt. This read helped me realign myself."
“I’ve been dealing with a lot lately, but after reading Step Out, I believe I have what it takes to make it to the next level.”

“Wow! This book Step Out blew me away. Step Out has so much wisdom I want to read it again and again and again!”
"I recommend this book to anyone looking for life guidance and self growth. Amazing from start to finish! STEP OUT!"


Join Pastor Jonathan Merritt as he embarks on his first literary venture spreading the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Merritt explores the call to STEP OUT on faith, as he takes readers through trials and tribulations he’s faced over the course of his life. Foreword written by Bishop Andrew Merritt.