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All Posts By

Jonathan A. Merritt

Faithfulness Defined

By | Faith

“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3 ESV)

No matter what evil the devil plots against you or your family, the Lord has committed Himself to your guard against him. Jesus is a loyal, fierce Protector over everything that concerns you. His dedication is unwavering on your behalf. Never allowing the evil one, satan to get the upper hand on Him. Meaning that as a Believer, he can never get the upper hand on you!

Move forward in confidence that Jesus has already achieved a permanent place for you in the kingdom of God and has defeated satan for all eternity, triumphing over him on your behalf.

Success Driven

By | Motivation

“Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to everything written in it; Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8 NIV)

I am not ashamed to confess that I am driven to be prosperous and successful. Because I am driven to be all that God has ordained for me to be. I am driven to see the will of God in my life and I make no apologies for that.

A Diligent Hand

By | Faith

A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with someone who at the time was sharing their frustration about how hard it was to watch their family member be unmotivated, or the word she used was lazy.

Since then, I have been thinking about the missing ingredient of diligence in the lives of people. Growing up in the ‘get rich quick’ era and seeing millionaires made overnight with what would seem to be little effort can be deceiving for many.

The truth is that if you study successful people, you find hard working people. Willing to put themselves into something with great intensity until it bears their desired outcome. They don’t take a ‘No Work, All Reward’ approach to things. And neither can you.

If you want to see success in your life, you must examine the areas where you don’t put in work to get things done. Is your relationship with your wife suffering? Then I ask you, how much work are you putting towards your relationship with her?

Take a moment to survey all the pertinent areas of your life to determine if you need to apply some good old-fashioned work to reap the result you want. You see wherever you cease to be diligent, you will cease to see reward. It’s up to you to make a difference in any area that you want to see greater happening. You might just find that a little diligence goes a long way to that end.


The Man That I Am – Intro Blog Post

By | Faith, Motivation

Looks guys, I know that there are thousands of blogs out there claiming to motivate, educate, and inspire. So, I’m not going to take the standard approach of promising you that coming to my blog each week is going to change your life in 30 days or less. Nope, that’s not me.

I believe in honesty and motivation. I also believe in Jesus Christ. There is no way around it—I’m a millennial on a mission to motivate people to movement. I believe in faith, family, finances, and the future. Your future to be exact.

My heart is to help people not only realize that they have a purpose, but to also guide you to where your purpose began in the first place. Sometimes, this guidance is going take you to Biblegateway to look up scriptures with me. Other times, it may be a Forbes article or an Entrepreneur tweet. Heck, sometimes, it’s going to be yours truly droppin’ some understanding that I received in my time of prayer.

The point is that my blog is not for everyone. But I’m hoping that you are one of the someone’s that it is for. Everyone needs an individual that they can look to when life is pushing them against the wall and they just can’t see their way clear. Believe me, I know how that feels. Which means I am in the unique position to cheer you on when you want to give up.

Also, there will be occasional products and tools that I find that have helped me at various times that I may share with you. If some reason, you don’t want to receive special offers or product information, no problem. I will personally make sure that you are removed from any sales list should you request it.

Lastly, the main thing is that we connect in the good times and the bad. Let’s use this blog as a connector of like minds and sincere hearts. Determine that you are going to meet me here each week, with questions, comments, and charisma.

Wherever you are today, let me invite you to join me in leaving your imprint on the world by one step, large or small towards your purpose every single day.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media on INSTAGRAM, Facebook, and Twitter where we can always keep the conversation going in real-time.

Thanks again for dropping by and stay full of faith until I meet you here again, same time next week!

Jonathan A. Merritt

Millennial Motivators: People Who Make Stepping Out Look Easy

By | Motivation

I know, I know. If you follow my timeline for two minutes, you are sure to hear me encouraging you to step out of your situation. By now you’ve either seen or heard of my book entitled, “Step Out: Leave Your Imprint on the World”. I confess, I’m pretty obsessed (in a good way) with seeing men and women in difficult situations steady themselves and by sheer will, step out on faith in God. It gets me pumped up every single time I hear a comeback story or an account of God doing the impossible in someone’s life because they did.

You see, God spared my life in a triumph over tragedy life-threatening situation earlier this year. So, you can imagine how I appreciate the faith it takes to move out of a mind-numbing mindset and depend on God every step of the way.

But I’m not the only one who has shifted their life’s work to motivating others beyond the challenges of life, depending solely on the faithfulness of God and His willingness to manifest His goodness in every area of our lives. Which is why, I wanted to shine a light on a few Christian, millennial motivators, who are co-laborers of faith. As they too have dedicated themselves to encouraging others to step out of their comfort zone and leave their imprint on the world too!


Cornelius Lindsey is not only a husband, father, pastor, author, and entrepreneur, he also has one of the nations’ fastest growing ministries to men and for good reason. One scroll of his social media accounts and you will see why he is motivating men to leave nothing wasted by embracing the heart of a lion, while challenging them to take their position of authority in God by faith.

Married to Heather Lindsey (@heatherlove) founder of Pinky Promise, a movement that promotes honoring God with your life and body whether you are married or single.

These millennials motivators are ones to watch as they keep pursuing Jesus and leaving their imprint on the world for many years to come.



When I first heard of Michael Todd, I was listening to Elevation Worship on Youtube.com. Next up, was a sermon by Michael, called “Marked”. After listening for a view minutes, I checked out his Instagram page to find out that I was only one of his 231,000 followers and with good reason.

Pastor Todd aims to represent Jesus by being himself. Not shying away from the opportunity to encourage others to follow the path of Christ all the way to their purpose. I even commented that his casual dress and powerful presentation reminded me of someone else I know…(me)! Ultimately, what intrigued me the most about this man of God is his passion to see people’s lives changed one step at a time.

I don’t know about you, but this is the kind of mark I’d like to see more people leave on the world for God.


It goes without saying, Sarah Jakes Roberts didn’t let her wounds go to waste. After a very public and heartbreaking divorce, Sarah Jakes, daughter of Bishop Jakes, didn’t go hide away forever. She raised her children, served with humility, and took a step of faith towards her call to help other women who had experienced deep emotional pain too.

As she stepped out, after leaving her first impressions of hope in the sand, Sarah met and married Toure’ Roberts, pastor of The Potter’s House at One LA located in the thriving entertainment district of Los Angeles. Jakes Roberts has used her past hurts to motivate a generation of women who need courage to evolve from where they are to the place that God has called them to be. Now that the two have become one, Pastors Toure’ and Sarah Roberts are motivating a new generation of creative leaders to leave their imprint on the world.

As always, my goal is to give you tools to pursue your God-given purpose with passion, which will always cause you to leave the familiarity of where you are to find your place in where He is. C’mon, let’s take our next step by faith together!

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Embracing the Faithfulness of God

By | Faith

Leadership is in my blood. I’m able to multitask with relative ease, which allows me the unique ability to have a higher output of production than many other people I know. Generally, I’ve never complained about possessing a trait that has helped make many multimillionaires over the last few decades. Ironically, while reading a business article, multitasking was even identified as one of the dominate traits of those in my peer group, Millennials.

One day as I was driving, I started considering how blessed I am with the life God has given me. It hit me that there are so many people viewing their ability to ‘get things done’ as something that they were able to conjure themselves. Even I have fell into the cyclone of relying on my own ability from time-to-time.

However, the last few years have sought to teach me that God’s faithfulness is independent from my abilities. As a matter of fact, I realize that it is when my capabilities fail that His faithfulness shines even brighter. The faithfulness of God is as real as the ocean and as tangible as the sun. Nothing about who we are is out of His reach to redeem, recover or rescue.

We only need to be willing to embrace the truth that His faithfulness doesn’t stop at our ability. Everything about you and I are by God’s design and He wants us to embrace His unfailing love and strength to pull us from any situation that we find ourselves in. Especially those where our masterful maneuvers of multitasking fall short to fill the emptiness of our soul.